Here it is –
Thanksgiving! It’s the one day a year everyone feels compelled to be thankful,
whether or not they are. Looking back on this past year, we have so much to be
thankful for in our ministry. Here are our Top Ten Thankful highlights from a
year truly blessed by God’s love, grace, and guidance.
Our God
– for calling and preparing us to be witnesses to the ongoing ministry of His
Son, Jesus Christ, through the local church and His followers everywhere.
Searchers – for taking the often painful and brave steps to find new faith
communities that will welcome and celebrate you as you are, nourish you on you spiritual
journeys, and support you without judgment as you pursue a deeper relationship
with Jesus and his followers.
Church Choices – for knowing your God-honoring purposes; understanding the
differences between Vision and Mission; showing a clear path to discipleship;
helping people connect with others, and practicing intentional leadership.
of the Hills UMC – for trusting us to guide your visioning process; for
doing the hard work to discern a clear vision and compelling mission; and for
the friendships we’ve forged in the sacrificial work of following God’s will.
Gathering UMC – for caring more
for those outside the church than inside, and for inviting us to journey with
you in ministering to the rejected, marginalized, and disadvantaged in your
urban core.
Community Church and Church of the
Resurrection – for your generous sharing of creative, innovative models for
effective ministry, and for freely sharing so many tools and resources with any
church that wants to get better.
Creek Association – for pioneering and promoting leadership development for
church leaders around the world, because “We all win when a leader gets
Pastors – for your passion to live into the Great Commission; to take risks;
to challenge contentment; to lead our congregations toward meaningful
discipleship; and to be the church in whatever form, style, and place is needed
to reach out to the unchurched and dechurched in your communities.
Church Leaders
– for always giving more of yourselves than needed or asked; for constantly
working to be better at everything you are and do; and for building up and
equipping other leaders who are driven to create, sustain, or restore your
churches to be healthy choices for church searchers.
and Authors and Coaches and Mentors and
Speakers and Teachers and Trainers – for studying and reporting on the many
idiosyncrasies of humans and our religious foibles; for focusing your
microscopes on issues that matter; and for serving it up in copious free
And, yes, of course we thank our families and friends - for your unselfish love, encouragement,
support, patience, sacrifice, and commitment to helping us grow spiritually and
to be in service. For all this, we give thanks in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Let the feasting begin!
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