Tuesday, May 13, 2014

“Why” Is Number One

The 7 Secrets of Church Communication that Works
“Why” Is Number One

by William Cowles

Why? Why. Why! People need to know “why” – it’s a basic principle of adult learning. It’s also a powerful tool for motivation. If you can’t simply and clearly explain why people would want to attend, to give, or to serve – you’re wasting your message. For example:

1.        Church:      Join us for worship Sunday!  >>>       Searchers: Why?
2.       Church:      We’re glad you’re here!  >>>               Visitors: Why?
3.       Church:      Volunteer for VBS!   >>>                       Members: Why?
4.      Church:      Give generously!  >>>                            Members: Why?
5.       Church:      Join a group/class/event!  >>>             Members: Why?

Do you sense a pattern there? Churches constantly invite, ask, and plead for something, but rarely do they explain “why.” As a result, rarely do they get the kinds of responses they want. Why? Because anticipating and answering “Why?” is a powerful motivational tool when used correctly.

Adults basically need to know why something is important; why they’re being asked; why it’s a good thing to do. And your message must say “why” from their perspective, not your own.
Using our examples above, here are “whys” from the perspective of your audience that will better motivate them to make good decisions in your favor:

1. Join us for worship Sunday! (Why?)
(WHY!) “Power up for the week by connecting with God and others in community. Worship is our way to give thanks for all that is right in our lives; to find God’s grace and comfort for all that is not going well; and to learn more about how to live as Jesus teaches.”

2. We’re glad you’re here! (Why?)
(WHY!) “God didn’t create us to be alone. Our faith grows better when we’re together. Your presence adds to the energy and purpose of our community. Thank you for helping to make us better!”

3. Volunteer for VBS! (Why?)
(WHY!) “Children grow in their knowledge of God and their faith in Jesus when they learn in our fun, fast-paced Vacation Bible Camp. And, you will, too! Tell stories, serve snacks, lead songs, guide tours – God can use your gifts to help grow our children.”

4. Give generously. (Why?)
(WHY!) “When we share our gifts of time, talent, and money, God uses them to improve people’s lives. Our church has given over 500 food-filled backpacks to hungry children in our community this past year. We have helped build a hospital in Africa. We have sent teams and resources to disaster areas to help them recover and rebuild. We want to do more. Our goals are ______. We thank God for your generosity that allows us to continue impacting others near and far.”

5. Join a group/class/event! (Why?)
(WHY!) “Our friends and families determine the direction and quality of our lives. Small groups provide both. Groups are good for your soul, spirit, physical health, and emotional strength! We make better choices and find more comfort when we share our questions, doubts, cares, concerns and joys with others who are on the same journey.”
When you’re communicating to anyone about anything that is important to your church’s vision, mission, purpose, and ministries, build the foundation of your message on the simple premise of “why.” Does it take longer and use more space? Of course. Does it generate more response? Try it and see for yourself.

Every time you answer the people’s “Why?” before it is asked, more people will embrace your church’s “Why!”

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