Thursday, January 30, 2014

3 Ways to Spot an Industry Leading Church

by Reba Collins

Apple. Southwest. Amazon. All are recognized industry leaders. These organizations, among others, set standards, drive innovation, and develop best practices in their areas of expertise. They influence their peers and inspire individuals, even though they have no direct authority over them. These companies also provide leadership cultures that produce leaders of their industries. Of course, every now and then they will get out-innovated, lose market share, or get a glitch in the system. Year after year, though, these organizations multiply their impact in their industries because they possess leadership cultures that inspire others to lead in bigger and better ways. 

Christian churches also have industry leaders. Some are international leaders, such as Willow Creek Community Church and Saddleback Church. But most of us don’t live near a top-tier industry leader. Most of us have to search for the “leading” churches among our local choices. But it won’t be as hard as you might think because there are three cultural characteristics you can look for to recognize a church that leads well. Churches that are industry leaders: 

1.       Inspire people to become better – better Christians, better spouses, better citizens, better servants – better expressions of Jesus.
2.       Define their at-large communities and have significant impact there. Life is better just by being in their sphere of influence.
3.       Offer cultures of leadership that produce other leaders.

Industry leaders such as Apple, Amazon, and Southwest cultivate their own leadership cultures. 
That’s what makes them industry leaders. Each “leading” church cultivates its own leadership culture, too. But no two cultures are the same. What works for Apple doesn’t necessarily work for Southwest. What works for one church doesn’t work for another. 

On a more personal level, you, too, favor one leadership culture over another based on your personal leadership style. That’s why it’s also important to know which type of leadership culture your good church choices offer. 

In Tuesday’s Tools & Tips, I’ll give you eight 21st Century leadership attributes that will help you identify your own leadership style and the leadership culture of your leading church choices.

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