Thursday, April 23, 2015

The 7 Signs Your Church Needs a New View

by Reba Collins and William Cowles
Loss or lack of vision is too common in too many churches – regardless of age or size. Ironically, the signs of loss/lack of vision will be obvious to everyone except the church's most faithful leaders and members – often including the pastor!

Re+Visioning is the key to restoring health, vitality, and growth in a local church. Even one or two of the following signs can indicate that a church has lost or is losing its vision:

1.       Passive worship – People come in, sit and stare, and get up and leave. Every service feels like a funeral.
2.      Little or no visitor stream – A quick glance confirms that everyone you expect to be there is in their self-assigned seats; all is good.
3.       Low ministry/mission participation – Each and every event and activity has a small, devoted following of pretty much the same people time and again.
4.      Volunteer drought – Soliciting volunteers never ends because enough people never step up.
5.      Stagnant small groups – Groups and classes never change; never multiply.
6.      DIY discipleship – Whether or not you learn and grow is up to you alone.
7.       Financial scrambling – Campaigned begging never seems to end; needs are never met; the most effective solutions are those that cut costs and reduce ministry, not expand it.

Churches that either don't see or ignore those signs will experience decline. But decline doesn't have to be deadly.
By Re+Visioning   rediscovering or  refocusing your vision, mission, and purpose   your church can get back on a healthy track before people get to that point of panic when they say, "We have to save the church!"

Does your church need to Re+Vision? Click here to discover the powerful impact Re+Visioning can bring to your church, then contact us at ACTIONPoint Ministry Consulting and Coaching.

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